Posts Categorized: Traffic Law

What are the low range drink driving penalties in NSW?

Car keys and alcoholic drink

In NSW, all drink driving cases are serious, and even low range drink driving penalties mean that you could end up before a magistrate facing a range of potential penalties. Drink driving is a factor in one out of every five fatal crashes according to the RMS, and costs the community millions of dollars every year…. Read more »

Why Should I Get a Specialist DUI Lawyer in Sydney?

Sydney harbour

You might be wondering, what is a DUI and how is it different to a PCA offence? DUI is also known as driving under the influence of any alcohol or other drug. It is a charge that may be brought where there was no valid breath test to confirm a particular blood alcohol concentration. This… Read more »

Lawyer faced North Sydney Local Court after hitting L-plater and strangling him

Car speed

While road rage is something we may all internally battle, one lawyer certainly didn’t manage to contain his anger after running straight into a motorcycle rider. The rider, 28-year-old Alex Chapman, had only been on his L-plates for less than one week. He was riding along the Pacific Highway when hit from behind by Murray… Read more »

Should we have Spent Convictions in NSW?

Holding bars

Silly mistakes can have a sneaky habit of catching up with us. We’ve all done things we regret and may have even had a run in with the law. If you’ve got a criminal record, you may still be feeling its implications years down the track. Surely, you think, how can I still be paying… Read more »

Demerit Point Suspension in NSW – How Does it Work?

BMW steering wheel

Driving while suspended is a criminal offence in NSW. If you are caught driving without a licence, you could find yourself facing fines, a court-imposed disqualification or even prison. Drivers can be suspended by accumulating too many demerit points on their licence. If you have a demerit point disqualification in NSW, it’s important that you… Read more »

How Can I Appeal My Case?

Man breathing

If you have appeared in court and were unsuccessful or unhappy with the result, you may be considering if it is possible to appeal your case – the conviction, the sentence or both may be appealed. If your case was heard in a Local Court, you have a few options. An appeal from the Local… Read more »