Posts Categorized: NSW Courts

Courts Must Apply a 25% Sentencing Discount for All Early Guilty Pleas

Guilty Pleas

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim On the afternoon of 19 December 2018, Belmont South resident Guy McCulloch suddenly reversed his car towards Justin Fuller, who was in pursuit of it on foot. Holding two machetes, Fuller then reached in and stabbed the driver five times, with one blow penetrating McCulloch’s liver fatally. Fuller was… Read more »

Prosecutors Routinely Ignore Their Legal Duty to Serve Evidence on the Defence


By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim A duty of disclosure exists within the NSW criminal justice system, and in all other jurisdictions across the nation, which requires the prosecution to provide the defence with all the evidence it has prior to the trial commencing. This stipulation exists in the legislative guidelines governing the various state criminal… Read more »

Questioning Ruled Inadmissible as ASIO Agents Had Effectively Kidnapped the Suspect


By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim Prior to empanelling a jury for the 2007 trialling of Izhar Ul-Haque on a charge of training with a known terrorist organisation, NSW Supreme Court Justice Michael Adams had to make voir dire determination, which is a decision on whether evidence before a court is admissible. The evidence in question… Read more »

Sentence for Fraud Reduced, as Scheme was Unsophisticated and Yield Was Only Modest

Fraud investigation

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim The Australian Government Disaster Relief Payment (AGDRP) is a one-off $1,000 amount provided to Australian residents impacted by a disaster. And due to the circumstances victims of disasters face, proof of identity doesn’t need to be cited immediately, but rather within 28 days of applying. Over the period 15… Read more »